Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Insecure. What does it mean to be insecure, because everyone else has a different definition for it? It means to fear, have doubts, and ect (Random House Dictionary, 2012 ) Insecurity is usually related to someone who doesn't have self-confidence. But why are people so insecure ? Why don’t people feel good enough? Simply because of society and celebrities.Why should females have to be skinny to be considered beautiful? For example, no one should have to look anorexic to be beautiful, even Vogue magazine agrees. Vogue has banned too skinny models from being in their magazines because young girls look at their magazines and figure in order to be beautiful they have to look like the girls in the magazine (Newser, 2012), yet why are people insecure?  This is also cause by having a low self-esteem. Self- esteem is the degree to which one values oneself. (Roger Elliott) Some people feel like they don’t belong because they do not look like the latest celebrities and what society expects them to be. This also leads to the lacking of self confidence- Assuredness and self reliance.(Roger Elliott) Some people are bullied which makes them feel like their self image is not good enough for anyone. self  image -  One’s impression of oneself, unconscious. (Roger Elliott)  

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