Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Have you ever looked in the mirror and just felt like you wasn’t good enough? Or do you ever walk out the house feeling on top of the world and just so happen  to have those friends you hang around who are drop dead gorgeous and then when you stand next to them you feel like you're a grizzly bear? Do you ever feel the feeling of envy? To be envious means to have a feeling of anger or jealousy and that's a HUGE problem for our generation now a days. Like let’s say you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend, when someone you feel is more appealing than you talks to them, you begin to feel envious.. why ? Because you're insecure about yourself and jealous of the other person’s beauty."Love sees sharply; hatred sees even more sharp. But jealousy sees the sharpest -- for it is love and hate at the same time." (Girl Chase, 2012 ) Basically what that quote is saying is that though love and hate are both strong, jealousy is stronger because its a mixture of both.

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