Sunday, June 3, 2012

We girls love to dress up and look pretty, right? Correct! But doesn't it suck when people that are skinny average or fat always have to be judged on what they wear. Like when we wear shorts dress or skinny jeans. We're either too fat to wear shorts/skirts to skinny to wear beautiful dress and I don't think that is fair at all. All girls deserve to feel or even look beautiful besides it's what's inside that counts. According to The beauty of the venture is that we stand to lose nothing  (2009) beauty is a quality or feature that is most effective, gratifying, or telling (p.n.d). So girls stay strong and have confidence in yourself! Who cares what other people think, just live your life and worry about yourself. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What is Ms.Aguilera trying to say here in this video? She’s saying that regardless who you are, what you practice, how you look, or whatever the case may be that you're beautiful. And this doesn’t just apply to female teens it applies to each gender, everyone is beautiful in their own way and the words that people say about you shouldn’t determine your character or who you are because it’s wrong, no one has the place to judge anyone. No one is perfect and everyone has their flaws that they should embrace and not be ashamed of. And that's one of teen’s main insecurities now a days, they feel they aren’t good enough. Some females may think they’re not pretty enough and some males may feel they aren’t tough enough and it’s not fair.But we should all remember. . .
Every day is so wonderful
And suddenly it's hard to breathe
Now and then I get insecure
From all the pain, feel so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today”,(eLyrics,Christina Aguilar 2000-2012)